Antojos (2ª Parte) / Birthmarks (Part Two)


Buenas, maj@s!!

Buscando en mi carpeta de dibujos a medias, he encontrado esta tira a medio entintar, de la que ni me acordaba y que, por si a alguien le interesa, seguiría justo de ESTA OTRA, algo antigua ya...

¿Que si era necesario continuar el chiste? Bueno, tal vez no... pero esta semana he ido apurado y me apetecía acabarla :)

¡Saludos Lanudos!
Hi, guys and dolls!

Looking at my left-to-lose-unfinished-drawings folder,  I found this medium ink strip, which I had forgotten and, if anyone is interested, that follows THIS OLDER ONE

It was necessary to continue de joke, you ask? Well... maybe not, I guess, but this week I've been a little busy and I liked to ink it and upload it, so, here it goes! :)

Woolin' cheers!

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